How to overcome being a perfectionist
In some ways it’s good – high quality work is important, and in fact anything important should be done well, perhaps as well as you possibly can do it. But things […]
In some ways it’s good – high quality work is important, and in fact anything important should be done well, perhaps as well as you possibly can do it. But things […]
Project Management is about planning something where the tasks are related – some of them have to be done before some of the others, so you start by working out
Why is Time Management so different to Project Management? Read More »
The first job of time management is to reduce the unimportant stuff (you’ll never get rid of it all) to maybe 20-30% of your time. Even though it’s urgent and
The two levels of time management – The Optimisation Octopus Read More »
People often tell me that urgent means you have to do it, or that important means you need to do it soon – and these are both totally wrong! Urgency
Do you REALLY understand the difference between important and urgent? Read More »
Correct use of jobs to do lists…. this is important! Often there are things that are too big to contemplate, so you put them off, but actually the first step
I’m re-writing my 1992 book “Time Management” for the second edition. The world is a pretty different place since 1992. Gone are filo-faxes, palm pilots, secretaries, and memos In are
I was amused (to the point of wanting to vomit) when I read the morning routines of Mark Wahlberg, Jay Shetty and Oprah Winfrey: Marky Mark: “Prayers and vitamins” Jay:
You’ve probably seen the classic important/urgent matrix Some people have the axes the other way around, but however you view it you have box 1 for the urgent AND important
If you’re feeling that it’s all running away with you, you’re stressed and out of control, then here are six things I would recommend – ideally BEFORE you get to
Self employed and too busy – tips for work/life balance and avoiding burnout Read More »
Is it OK to work longer hours, if you’re enjoying it? Does that mean you are a work-a-holic, or that the boss has conned you in some way? I think
“Just hop on a plane, it’s only a 90 minute flight” they say and of course I fall for it every time. But this time I made some notes on
There are five main ways, but if you look at overlaps between these five you get another ten: We already know about the five options for getting more done –
People keep asking me to work with them on exciting new ideas, and I wish I could, but all of us have finite time. I read somewhere that you should
We have such selective memories! And the photos we take, and the photos we upload to social media, affect our memories hugely. Skiing is a great example of that. The
Hi Chris Thanks for your session. Hope you found it OK. The wifi was not strong enough to support Zoom so we were using a phone. The content is great.
Imagine you are being asked to do something pointless by a scary customer, or perhaps by your boss. Arguing is just going to upset them, nobody likes to be