Chris Croft wiki page
If I had a wikipedia page (I wish!) then this is what I would like to see on it: Chris Croft Chris Croft (born February 12, 1960) is a British […]
If I had a wikipedia page (I wish!) then this is what I would like to see on it: Chris Croft Chris Croft (born February 12, 1960) is a British […]
I was amused (to the point of wanting to vomit) when I read the morning routines of Mark Wahlberg, Jay Shetty and Oprah Winfrey: Marky Mark: “Prayers and vitamins” Jay:
This post compares with the one I made at the end of 2021 Number of course on Linkedin Learning up from 34 to 38 *****************************************Udemy up from 29 Courses to
I did this text Q&A, primarily for anyone thinking of getting my Uppercent course on “How to start your own business” The course is not about being the same as
I’ve been thinking carefully and scientifically about my pricing and this is the result. This is what I am now charging for the three types of course/talk that I do.
. About ten things probably make up 90% of the MANY messages I receive every day. Some are great to receive, and some are really boringly annoying! A – These
I know you have to earn a living doing what you do – don’t we all? – but please save your time and don’t bother to try to sell me
(see for 2023 update) ********************************** 34 courses on Linkedin Learning and 29 courses on Udemy Udemy: 124,000 sales of my leadership course on Udemy – it is
I’ve been collecting Worlds for a number of years now. Ideally they would be small and shabby, and named after something obscure or bizarre. Like Tropical Fish World or Aromatherapy
This is the first school (my local!) to take a bunch of my courses free for their students. I hope to roll it out to the county and then the
Welcome to this training resource which has been made FREE for your school Click on the course you want to take Then enter your secret COUPON CODE and press ‘apply’
Well, I know it’s a bit egotistical, but if you can’t put it on your own website then where CAN you put it?? So here they are, my favourites of
The list I’d get fired for from Inspirational Leadership Skills: Practical Motivational Leadership by Chris Croft Impact-Site-Verification: f4bcb599-b8df-431b-b709-42fac1a7e47f You can buy the whole course on – or you
Here are some books that I loved, and which have stayed with me. Not business books, but fascinating novels that you HAVE to read! In no particular order: Crash by JB