The TrustPilot of On-Line Course reviews
How could I not think this review website is great after the excellent review I got for my Difficult People course?
How could I not think this review website is great after the excellent review I got for my Difficult People course?
It’s just in the translation – no insult is intended, but if this helps non-English people to get a better result then that’s great “As I already told you” This
What can you do if you can’t get your boss to do what you want, if they ignore you or fob you off….? My boss never listens to me from
I must admit it’s probably my commonest negative emotion. I call it irritation or frustration but those are really just forms of anger. Is it ever OK to get angry? Yes
There is a school of thought which says that we are largely a collection of habits, which get reinforced each time we follow them. Who knows how they start, probably some
Is this you? Here are just some of the vegetables / fruits that you NEED to know about! Buy the book on kindle Buy the book on paper Get Chris
Management Vegetables – book on kindle, or paper – or a conference talk! Read More »
This was a nice review to get: view a free sample HERE (sorry about the scary freeze frame, but you’ll see why when you watch the clip, haha!)
Sometimes at work you might feel that there’s no point, you can’t make a significant difference. I was doing a project management course for a large local authority in England
Understanding Games Players I’m going to make a whole course on this, but until it’s ready, here’s a quick guide to a fascinating area of human behaviour… Games Players…. These
Bosses are the most difficult of all difficult people, because they have the power. And I think many bosses haven’t been trained in managing people, they’re just making it up,
The difficulty with both passive and passive/aggressive people is that the channel of communication isn’t there. At least with aggressive people you know what they are thinking, and you know what
Use this chart to find the Management Vegetables for the subject you want to learn about: Leadership The Plum of Performance The Coaching Cherries The Carrots of Motivation The Banana
If you’re confronted by someone aggressive at work, the first thing is to remain calm – our natural instinct is either to give in or to be aggressive back, and both
There’s a great saying which goes “The reasonable person adapts to the world. The unreasonable person tries to adapt the world to them. But all progress depends on the UNreasonable person!” I
An interesting way of looking at bad behaviour that I want to share with you is a fascinating little theory that I discovered in a book called The Celestine Prophecy by
This just came in from someone who I have never met, not connected on Linkedin (in fact 3rd level so quite distant) – very nice to receive though. It’s about