Chris's Coupon Page

This is where I put any special offers and bargains
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My Project Management course - completely free for you

Free access to the Happiness module of my Life Skills Collection - here:

Free coupon for my Sales course on my website sales page - here:

Here's a link to my Surviving Change course completely free on Linkedin -

Video on Skype/Zoom tips here:

Get any two of my reminder cards completely free, just send me a stamped/addressed envelope and tell me which ones you'd like.

Free animals questionnaire here - find out how you are living your life at the moment, (what type of animal are you?) - and therefore how you could perhaps be happier and more successful

Get a free ebook on how to start your own training business, here:

I have made several free apps - just put Chris Croft into your AppStore or Google Play Store:

More details on my jobs to do app here:

If you're on Linkedin this link gives you unlimited free access to my Difficult People course, but only for 24 hours from the moment you click on it - so prepare to binge watch!

Nine free linkedin learning courses (not by me, but they are the top ones)

My Project Management Simplified course is completely unlocked, free, unlimited use, until the end of Feb 2020 -

How to watch linkedin learning courses for free:

All the free stuff on my website is here:

I have been on more than 30 podcasts which are all free for you to listen to, all listed here:

Over 60 free articles on my "newsletter" page here, covering all sorts of things about happiness, time, life3, success, and management:

And keep informed of everything I do by adding your email to my free monthly tips list: click here

Tip of the Month
Get my free monthly management and life tips! Sent to you by email, free for ever, and they never repeat.
Includes topics like Time Management, Managing People, Project Management, Customer Care, Handling difficult People, Negotiation Skills, Presentation Skills and Happiness