Whose fault??
Mistakes are rarely made by one person – in fact they are usually down to EVERYONE, because anyone could have done something to avoid it, but nobody did. This is […]
Mistakes are rarely made by one person – in fact they are usually down to EVERYONE, because anyone could have done something to avoid it, but nobody did. This is […]
If you want anyone to change, let’s say it’s your boss just to make it interesting – how can you do it? Worst way – tell them they’re crap! “You
Appraisals Back to the floor once a year Challenges and variety Delegate at 80% – not risky if you monitor Empowerment – which requires trust Freedom ladder Growth – training
When you’re thinking about your management style, there are two questions: how much to involve people in the planning (depends on their knowledge and brainpower) and how much freedom to
Leaving aside the risk of the job going horribly wrong (which actually can’t happen if you monitor properly, but that’s another story) is there a risk that the job will
Leadership is not all common sense. That’s why it’s worth training your managers, and going on a course yourself. Here are 13 ideas that you probably won’t have discovered yourself,
Here’s a question I was sent via LinkedIn: “My boss joins my weekly meeting, and then takes it over. Sometimes she criticises people, sometimes she just talks too much. What can I
I have made a queue calculator for you It’s based on the formula that the length of queue will be U / (1-U) where U is the utilisation of the
People join companies and leave managers. The biggest reasons for leaving are bad boss (often lack of training) not feeling loved (or appreciated or noticed) not learning anything new not
Click a few buttons here and find out! And of course, if you want to save some of that waste by improving your meetings, with training and/or coaching, let me
How much money do you waste in meetings, per year? Read More »
“My boss doesn’t give me the freedom to get on with doing my job in my own way”…. I’ve had this a few times in my career! Here’s a clip
This was an hour via Zoom for 94 senior managers from a large company in India We covered the leadership style options for remote workers and teams, and how to
The list I’d get fired for from Inspirational Leadership Skills: Practical Motivational Leadership by Chris Croft Impact-Site-Verification: f4bcb599-b8df-431b-b709-42fac1a7e47f You can buy the whole course on Udemy.com – https://www.udemy.com/course/inspirational-leadership/ or you
What would I recommend thinking about as we start another year? Here are some thoughts: – put your prices up, you’ll lose fewer customers than you think, and the ones
Is this you? Here are just some of the vegetables / fruits that you NEED to know about! Buy the book on kindle Buy the book on paper Get Chris
Management Vegetables – book on kindle, or paper – or a conference talk! Read More »
Here’s a promise you could make to your team, a commitment to be the best boss you can be. Do you have the guts to print it out and put