Advantages of Improvising
- Less work in total – no writing of scripts!
- Nobody can interfere with your scripts and dumb them down!
- More natural and exciting delivery
- Avoid dilemma of reading if you have to wear glasses, which cameras don’t like to film
- No hassle with speed of autocue / using the tech, e.g. you can tell a story at your own pace, speeding up and slowing down at will

Advantages of Scripts written in advance
- Less stress on the day
- Get more filmed on the day
- If the studio is expensive, or several people are working there and you want to show respect for them
- Easier to edit
- We know where to put the graphics
- Can roll back easily – rolling back on improvised is HARD
- We can check beforehand – ensure the format is ok
- Concise and correct – …have a look at a transcript of your improvised stuff and you’ll be horrified! You can get away with this in a live situation but videos need to be tight.
- And if you’re doing short videos, e.g. 3 minute videos, then they HAVE to be tight
- Control of length – improvised videos can easily ramble
- They are scripts that YOU wrote, and can rehearse to check they feel natural
- Spend your brain just on performing rather than “remembering as well as performing”
Overall I think scripts win. So that’s what I use now, always.