For individuals
1 – Deliver your projects on time and on budget.
2 – Feel (BE!) in control
3 – Less stress when managing projects
4 – Less waste (or money and time) spent on panicking and rushing everything towards the end of projects
5 – An arguing tool if your project is impossible – you will have proof
6 – Get everyone to commit at the start to doing their parts of your project.
7 – Know which tasks to focus on, only the critical tasks need to be estimated accurately and controlled carefully
8 – Transferable skill that will always be useful throughout your career

For the company
- You can’t guess how to plan a project, and even if you could the time and effort to reinvent the wheel would be huge. So go on a course and learn it!
- Common language that everyone can use.
- All projects visible so that anyone can look at anyone else’s project and immediately understand what’s going on.
- A quick and easy way for managers to see the progress (or lack of!) of a project, and help if necessary
- Advance warning of problems, see which projects are in trouble early on so you have plenty of time to fix them, and be able to see resource bottlenecks early so you have plenty of time to move things around or get more resources
- Find out at the start that a project is impossible or is going to be very expensive or slower than you thought. You may not WANT to know this but you do NEED to know it.
- Able to plan the resources for multiple projects so that if you can’t do all of the projects you want to, then you can have a sensible discussion about prioritising which ones
- Be able to learn from previous projects and not repeat the same mistakes