option 3

My Book of Management Vegetables is available!

in paper form and  on amazon kindle (view on any device using kindle app)

Management Vegetables Front Cover big


….and talks based on it are available NOW, as follows:


The Plum of PerformanceLeadership10 minsHow praise works better than blame
The Goals GrapefruitSuccess / Time Management10 minsMuch better than SMART!
The Coaching CherriesLeadership10 minsThe process of gradually raising the bar, explained
The Banana of BoredomLeadership15 minsAn improvement on situational leadership
The Pear of PromotionSuccess5 minsThe four qualities needed for getting promoted
Time’s TurnipSuccess / Time Management20 minsSix options if you are too busy
The Iceberg of Ignorance (and FROB)Leadership10 minsWhy senior managers don’t really know what’s going on
The Gooseberries of GreatnessHappiness and careers5 minsHow to identify the perfect job or career
The Meeting MarrowsManagement10 minsWhat to do when chairing and attending meetings
Toadstool of TurnoverManagement5 minsWhy labour turnover costs much more than you realise
The Grapes of GladnessHappiness5 minsWhere does your happiness really come from?
Asparagus of AltruismHappiness5 minsThe utility theory of happiness explained with asparagus
The Carrots of MotivationManagement10 minsTwo carrots with the top 14 ways to motivate your team
The Cabbage of CommunicationManagement10 minsTips to brilliant team  communication that spell out the word cabbage
The Parsnip of ProfitStrategy10minsHow to increase the profitability of your business
The Strategy OrangeStrategy10minsStrategic options to consider
The Lateness Lizard (for meetingsManagement5 minsHow to stop people turning up late to your meetings
Things that are not really vegetables or fruit …but why not have them anyway….
The Sausage of Self DisciplineSuccess / Time Management5 minsHow to be more self disciplined, …in the form of a sausage
The Planning TortoiseManagement5 minsWhat to remember when you’re planning
The Situational SeagullLeadership10 minsThe difference between delegation, empowerment, and abdication
The Bad News BurgerAssertiveness / Influencing10 minsThe four step process for having any difficult conversation
The Quality QuailHappiness15 minQuality of life, achievement, stress, and efficiency all on one graph shaped like a quail.
The Customer Care ClamCustomer Service5 minsWhat makes truly great customer service?
The Happiness MagnetHappiness10 minsSix practical ways to increase the happiness in your life
The Cost Reduction CrabCost reduction15 minsHow to reduce costs and avoid the traps of false economy
The Leadership TadpoleLeadership5 minsWhat does a great leader do?
The Freedom FrogLeadership5 minsThe four levels of freedom for your team
The Volcano of SuccessSuccess10 minsThe seven secrets of success in life
email me if you want to book a vege-talk
I could do a bunch of them in a one hour or two hour session – what a great conference session that would make!
…or we could do any number you like over Skype….
….  or: Get the book!
Parsnips TURNIP no backgroundMUSHROOMSONIONGRAPES no backgroundPEAR no backgroundRADISH no background  LEMONFENNEL no backgroundCHERRIES no background POTATOLEEKS no background Project KebabSLUGS PRUNE updated snailSEA GULLPEACH SWEDES PEAS PEARL
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