Jobs To Do – the app is ready and it’s free!

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Welcome to what I hope is the best jobs to do app in the world – and it’s free!  I made it because I wanted an app that did what this one does.  I hope you love it too.

1 – Download the app from the AppStore or GooglePlay

2 – Put your tasks into it

3 – Back it up to the cloud

4 – Log in to the app on your laptop or other devices and plan your day!



Here’s how you do these things in a bit more detail:


1 – Download the app from the AppStore or GooglePlay

Go to either the AppStore or GooglePlay using your phone – download the app for free

It looks like this:

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2 – Put your tasks into it

It comes pre-loaded with some tasks so you can see how it works.  Read them and then delete them.  You can see that you can use colours for types of tasks, you can move the sliders to put in how urgent, important, big, and fun each task is – or just leave them as they are for quick in put, maybe edit them later.
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In any view, e.g. Importance View, you can drag tasks up and down (press and hold).  You can also hide tasks until a chosen date when they repappear – sometimes you don’t want them cluttering up your list until a later date. (Menu: ”View All” shows you your hidden tasks). DELETE tasks by swiping them right.  Menu to see my magic algorithm which tells you which job to do first!
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3 – Back it up from your phone to the cloud

Menu is top left, select Back Up, put in your email (or any other log in you want) and password – and press backup. You can restore your tasks at any time if you somehow accidentally delete them, or if you are on a different device with the app loaded.  Once you have backed your data up once, which involves choosing a log in and password, it will then automatically back up each time you open the app on your phone or laptop, and when you log out on either. So after the first back up you’ll never need to think about it again – unless you want to!
PS –  I’d back it up to two places, just in case.  So if you delete lots of tasks and then wish you hadn’t, and the cloud auto syncs and deletes them from there too, which it will, you can still get your stuff back by going to the other back up and restoring from there.  Just a thought!  It’s easy but see FAQ below if  you need step by step instructions.
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4 – Log in to the app on your laptop

So now you are sitting at your PC/Computer/Laptop –  go to    and log in with your email and password
and there will be all your tasks.
This is where you always go when you want to view your tasks – save it as a favourite!
You can edit and drag and add new tasks etc here.  It saves all your stuff all the time, so as long as you have a signal you can look at the app on your laptop or desk PC, and all your stuff will also be there on your phone – and vice versa from phone to laptop/desktop/PC.
If at any time there’s a difference between your desktop and your phone,  – maybe there wasn’t a signal or something – you can either just refresh the page and it will automatically sync, or, if you want more control, you can click Backup on one device and then Restore on the other –  this puts the latest version of your phone/PC list into the cloud from one device and then gets it back out from the cloud onto your other device (PC or phone).
email me at if you get stuck
….and enjoy!
PS – if you like the app, please tell your friends.  Together we can conquer the world!
  • How do I delete a task? – swipe it right!
  • How to I register to start with – the first time I load the app on my phone? – you just click on the menu (top left) and then Back Up (near the bottom of the menu) and choose a log in email address and a password , and press Backup.  Just the same as all your subsequent backups.  Same on the desktop – either register (the first time) or log in.
  • How do I back up my stuff?     – on the phone app, click top left to get the menu, then scroll down to back up at the bottom and press that.  Put in any login and password you like (but make a note of them or remember them!)) and click on backup.  done!  Into the cloud!
  • How do I back up my stuff extra safe??     – on the phone app, click top left to get the menu, then scroll down to back up at the bottom and press that.  Put in another login and password (but make a note of them or remember them!)) and click on backup.  Done!  Into the cloud a second time, so if your data gets corrupted or something you can restore it from the second place you backed it up!
  • Even more safe than that?   – take a screen shot every now and then of your list.  May as well!
  • “What if I backed my stuff up but then I had some weird problem while viewing it on my PC and deleted it all, so the PC then deleted the cloud, and now all I’ve got left is the data on my phone, and if I switch the app on on my phone I know the cloud is going to sync and wipe all my stuff??  Help!”       – stay cool, you’re still OK, the data is on your phone.  Switch on your phone but don’t open the app.  Switch on airplane mode so you are not connected to the internet at all.   Then a) screenshot your jobs list.  then b) go to settings and do LOG OUT. You find this under menu / backup screen: bottom button.   – The sync will be disabled on logout –   Then switch the internet on (ie switch airplane mode off) and then log in to whichever user you want and press backup,  – probably best to create a new user name and back up to that as well – …and you’re OK.
  • What if I have decided to just “not do” a task, is that the same as deleting it? – yes it is, either way you just want it off your list
  • What is the difference between the two green buttons when I’m editing a task?   – there is no difference, use either button.  There are two so that you can always see one – saves you having to scroll.
  • What if I click on the plus to start a new task but then change my mind and want to go back to my main list of tasks? – click on the red X to exit the task entry screen
  • I get “Sign up failed – invalid email” – this means you’ve put in an email that has something wrong with it.  Check it doesn’t have an invisible space on the the end of it, maybe?
  • How do I view my tasks on my laptop or tablet?  Laptop: just go to here and log in with your log in and password:    Tablet – same.  Or, if you want to use the app off line, which is better really, download the app free from iStore or Google Play store.
  • I can view completed tasks on the completed tasks list – but how do I delete them permanently from there?  You can’t!  There is no way to delete the tasks in the completed section, I think they are stored there for three months and then they disappear, or something like that. But I think it is useful to have if you delete a task by mistake – or so that you can see how much you’ve done the last few days!
  • How do I back up my stuff?  I’m a bit confused about the backup / restore function. Do I have to enter the password for my email address for it to back up to my email; or am I entering a new password for it to back up elsewhere? (So far I entered my email password, but nothing appeared in my inbox).
    In order to back up all your stuff safely, which is important, you put in any email address, even a made up one, and any password, and it will back it up to the cloud in that name. Then if you want to view your list on any another device (maybe a tablet or laptop or your main computer on your desk) you just go to the web address for the app (see and login with that email address and password and use restore.
    I have made several backups with different email addresses and passwords so that if I do something stupid I can always get my list back
    Once you have set this up the first time your phone will automatically back up to the cloud, you might call it synchronising, so you don’t have to constantly back up, it will always be stored safe in the cloud. And when you view it on another device you will see the most up-to-date list that you have been compiling on your phone

    Similarly, changes on your computer will be backed up to the cloud automatically after the first time, and when you view your list on your phone you will see the latest version from your computer

    If you want to force it to do a back up at any time you can of course go in to the menu and select back up

  • “I have lost my stuff – please can you go into your database and find my stuff for me” – PRIVACY POLICY:  I can’t view your list of jobs to do, I really can’t.  Nobody can.  I don’t have access to your tasks in any way.  So please do back them up.

6 thoughts on “Jobs To Do – the app is ready and it’s free!”

  1. Hi I’ve just logged back in and all my tasks have been deleted. I tried to restorte from server but nothing there. All my completed tasks remain. I looked at the phone version and my taks were instantly deleted as it opened. What’s going on? This kind of glitch is fatal and will stop me using and recommending the app if it can’t be fixed.

    1. this is SUCH a shame and incredibly annoying, I agree. All I can say is back everything up (this applies not just to MY app) and ideally twice – all described here:

      the other thing is that I can’t get your data back because I don’t have it – I don’t have any access to anyone’s data, which I think most people would be pleased to know!

      but it’s a great app, please do persevere, but back it up in case something happens on your phone, which is what this was – our server etc is still fine, all the other thousands of user are all fine.

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