Course detail
No. of days: 1 – 2 No. of participants: 6 – 14
Find out what makes people tick and how to handle different types, including difficult people.
On this course we examine what goes on inside people’s heads, including yours, and how to interact with others in the most productive manner. Although people vary, their behaviours can be explained by various models, which help you to understand them and the way you communicate with them. By practising the techniques from this course you will move from conscious competence to subconscious competence, which will in turn bring you better results.
Subject areas covered:
- Understanding what makes people tick
- Rapport and building trust
- Push and Pull styles
- Adapting to the type of person
- A model of four types and four styles
- Listening and questioning skills
- The questioning funnel
- Force field analysis
- Reasons for resisting change and how to overcome them
- Finding the win/win solution by negotiating
Every participant receives a free audio or book as well as comprehensive notes.
Some example handouts from the course.
- Different approaches to difficult people
- Difficult People quiz
- Johari Window
- Johari Window page 2
- Life scripts list
- Parent-Adult-Child situations
- Parent-Adult-Child diagrams
- Personality Types – descriptions and possible problem areas
- Psychological Games Players
- Table of 5 personality drivers
- Two types of parent and three types of child