Course detail

No. of days: 1 No. of participants: 6 – 14

Get better at persuading others to accept your product, service, or ideas. This involves building relationships with them, understanding their needs, prescribing the best solution for them, and handling objections successfully.

Many sales people have never been trained – they are making it up as they go along. But selling is a science, and a skill that can be learned. Learning to follow a structured process, using known techniques, will increase your success rate as well as enjoying the sales process more.

Even if you’re not a sales person you are still selling every day. Whenever you need to persuade someone about something you are selling your point of view. All managers need selling skills.

Subject areas covered:

  • Why people buy
  • The role of customer care and relationships in selling
  • Rapport and building trust
  • Getting appointments
  • How to say, “No” politely but assertively
  • Different styles for different types of customer
  • Questioning techniques – what will make them buy?
  • Disturbing the customer
  • NLP and communication
  • Overcoming objections
  • The feel/felt/found technique and others
  • Handling price objections, including “Peeling the onion”
  • Difficult customers and how to handle them
  • Body language and buying signals
  • Closing
  • Efficient personal systems and the importance of keeping records
  • Keeping the next action with you
  • Getting referrals

Every participant receives a free audio or book as well as comprehensive notes.

Some example handouts taken from the course.

More Successful Selling Resources

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