Course detail
No. of days: 1 – 5 No. of Participants: 6 – 14
Understand the different types that you need in your team, and how to motivate them by adapting your management style. Become a great delegator, but also know when to use other styles like coaching and involving, in order to get the best from everyone who works for you.
The contents of this course will vary depending on the level of the participants in the organisation, their personal experience, the time available and your requirements in terms of the company’s culture etc.
Subject areas covered:
Self Awareness
- The Johari Window (your facade and your blind spot and their effect on management effectiveness)
- Discovering real information about yourself and how others see you, from personal experiences and from verbal feedback
Understanding teams
- What is a good team?
- Team roles
- Conflict – causes and solutions
- Group think and Risky Shift, and how to avoid them
- You and your boss
- The hierarchy of needs and how to apply it to real life
- The dolphin and potato approaches to motivating people
- Personality types and how they are motivated differently
The Art of Leadership
- John Adair – the process and the actions required
- The management continuum – how much control to keep?
- Situational leadership
- The Freedom Ladder
- Delegation, control, and empowerment – and what empowerment REALLY means (it’s more than just a buzzword!)
Every participant receives a audio or book as well as comprehensive notes.
Some example handouts taken from the course.
- Delegation – ways to maintain control
- How to prevent group think
- Leadership self-audit
- Maslow taken a step further and applied
- Motivation notes
- Quiz – managing people
- Summary of what leader and team should do
- Tannenbaum & Schmidt including empowerment
- The Freedom Ladder towards empowerment
- Thinking about motivation