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Course detail

No. of days: 1 No. of participants: 4 – 14

Replace aggression or submission with assertiveness as an approach to life. Deal with difficult people and situations effectively.

This course is designed to help people understand themselves and then to give them ideas on how they could interact more successfully with others.

We all find ourselves being a bit of a doormat occasionally, or getting angry occasionally. Sometimes you can’t think of the right thing to say until later. Maybe you don’t know why you do or say things, you just do, and perhaps you regret them later. Maybe there are just some situations that get to you, or some people you just can’t handle. We cover it all on this course.

Participants leave the course motivated to do something about their situations, and supplied with the techniques to do it.

Subject areas covered:

  • Types of difficult person
  • Why aggression and submission are often chosen as strategies, and why they don’t work
  • What assertiveness really means
  • Subtle forms of aggression and how to handle them
  • The four step process
  • Example situations provided by the group
  • Receiving criticism – how to cope
  • Fogging
  • Giving criticism – when and how
  • Handling Psychological Games Players

Every participant receives a free audio or book as well as comprehensive notes.


Some example handouts taken from the course.

Get a flavour of what my course is like!

-> You can view a free sample of my assertiveness course here, which is clip featuring my Alsation story and also the baked beans story

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More Assertiveness Resources

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