How happy are you out of ten? …and why that number?
I was asked that today, and decided I’m on 8.
Why not ten? Things are great with work, retirement plan, family etc, I know I’m blessed.
I guess I am dragged down slightly by being 64 rather than 24. SO many things I want to do and so little time, …as well as those little age-related things: I don’t bounce like I used to if I fall off a mountain bike, I seize up when I sit on the sofa for a few hours, little aches and pains are creeping in….
And the other downer is that as you slide away from work your sense of purpose goes as well, so I need to find something that I care about, to get my teeth into. But it has to be something that really makes a difference, AND something I care about, so the two small Venn circles have an even smaller overlap. Still, I’ll find it!